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Employment Agreement Templates (General Purpose)

Download the Free Employment Agreement Template (General Purpose) to help you draft your Employment Agreement easily. Moreover, you can also check out our collection of Joint Venture Agreement Templates.

An employment agreement is a legal contract that is signed by the employer and employees at the time of their employment in the company. This agreement includes certain important elements i.e. job responsibilities of the employee, duties of the employer, pay scale, additional benefits, promotions and increase in pay, insurance and medical plans, validation of the employment, renewal of the agreement, violation of the agreement results and termination conditions for the agreement.

Free Employment Agreement Templates

Download the Free Employment Agreement Template that can easily help you to prepare your Employment Agreement effectively.

Employment Agreement Template 01

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Employment Agreement Template 02

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Employment Agreement Template 03

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Employment Agreement Template 04

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Brief Description of General Employment Agreement:

It is very easy to understand that when employees are hired by a company, usually they always seek better chances and in this process, some employees don’t care about the company they work in and if nothing is stopping them, they usually leave the company for better chances in another company. If this happens, there is some serious damage and losses for the company but most importantly, the company loses its employees and it took a lot of time and resources to train them. Most of the time, when employees decide to leave a company; it is because of the money or salary. For example, an employee asks the employer to raise his salary or else he will leave the company for another organization that will pay him well.

In this situation, either the employer can raise the salary of the employee which may affect the overall turnover of the company, or else, he lets that employee leave the company which again leaves some damages to the company and its operations as it will take some time to find a replacement. On the other hand, it is also possible that the employer decides to fire or terminate the employment of an employee without any notice or solid reason and it can badly affect the career and living standard of that employee as it is not possible for him to find another job on such short notice.

To make sure that any of those situations don’t happen in the company, i.e. neither the employer nor the employee decides to leave the company without proper notice, companies sign employment agreements with the employees. For executive members of the company, customized agreements are designed but for the middle and lower-level employees, the same agreement is used that includes the job specification, pay scale, career path, promotion, and salary increase details, and most importantly, the duration that the employee must have to work in the company and neither the employee can leave the company nor the employer can terminate his employment before the expiry of the agreement.

Key Elements to add to the General Employment Agreement:

  • Name of the employer/company
  • Name of the employee who is joining the company
  • Employee Position
  • Terms and conditions of the agreement
  • Mutually agreed clauses of the agreement
  • Pay scale of the employee
  • Percentage increase in the salary per annum
  • Additional benefits, i.e. insurance, medical, dental, traveling
  • Promotion process for the employee
  • Validation of the employment (if applicable)
  • Termination of the agreement
  • Results of violation of the agreement
  • Additional details (if any)
  • Signature of employer and employee