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Meal Planner Templates

Download these Free Meal Planner Templates in MS Word as well as in MS Excel format to quickly assist you in planning your meal effectively. Moreover, you can also check out our collection of Wedding Budget Templates to plan your wedding event comprehensively.

There are many situations when one has to monitor what he eats or plan his meals. It’s a healthier choice to eat with proper planning so you don’t gain weight or diabetes or any other disease that is linked with overeating. A meal planner is a particularly designed program that monitors what you eat or you can say that it tells you what to eat and when to eat it.

Uses and Importance of Meal Planners:

There is great significance to a meal planner but perhaps the most important benefit is that it’s suitable for any age of people. For instance, if you want to prepare a meal planner for your infant child or a grandparent, you can use the same meal planner.

For instance, you are perfectly healthy but last time you checked your weight, you observed it’s a little over the limit. It’s not an alarming situation where you need surgery or a Keto diet plan but you just need to plan your meals and for that purpose, there is a meal planner. You can either use a daily meal planner that tracks the food intake daily or you can also use a weekly meal planner that does the same job for an entire week. Depending on your BMI ratio, your current and ideal weight, and your exercise routine, you need to track how many calories you should take each day and then plan the meals according to the required calorie intake.

Using Meal Planner Templates

Another situation where a meal planner provides excellent help is when you are a working parent. Most of the people who have jobs can’t find time to prepare meals. Going to a coffee shop or eating donuts in the morning on the go is good as long you don’t do it each day. A meal planner will allow you to prepare for the entire week by deciding what you will eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This way not only that you can buy the groceries on the weekend so you don’t run out of eggs or milk in the middle of the week but it also allows you to spare time for cooking and snack preparation.

Perhaps the most important benefit of a meal planner is that it allows you to eat healthily and stay healthy. Fast food is linked with obesity and heart disease in many types of research. Burgers and sandwiches that you eat from a restaurant contain very high levels of sodium. This doesn’t only lead to obesity but many other problems as well. When you use a meal planner, you prepare all your meals at home and what’s better than the food that you cook in your kitchen?

Meal Planner Templates – MS Word

Here are several free Meal Planner Templates in MS Word Format to assist you in the process of preparing your Meal Planner effectively.


Meal Planner Template 01

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Meal Planner Template 02

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Meal Planner Template 03

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Some of the key Meal Planning Market Practices:

Planning ahead of time:

The key to successful meal planning is that you need to plan all of your meals until it’s time to go grocery shopping again. Whether you shop every week or monthly basis, the meal planner should depend on your shopping habits. Not only that you will know exactly what you will prepare each day but you will not run out of essential ingredients in between the week. Usually, a weekly meal planner is your best option but you can also choose a daily or monthly meal planner as well.

Utilize the already available food items:

The basic idea behind a meal planner is to stay healthy but also to save money and don’t spend too much on food. A great time for an excellent meal planner is to check what you have in your fridge and pantry. You can create a list of all the vegetables and canned food items that will go to waste soon if not consumed and then make a meal planner with these items already available. This means before making a meal plan for beef steak that you need to buy, maybe it’s a good idea to make a dish with the chicken that you bought last week.

Plan according to your Work Load:

On weekends, you will have time to set up BBQ in your backyard and enjoy fresh food but it’s not what you can do on a weekday when you get off of work late and you also need to get up early the next morning for work. In the same sense, if you travel regularly out of town, the meal planner should be able to compensate for that as well.

Make room for Leftovers:

When you eat at home for an entire week, chances are that there must be some leftover items in your fridge. What you need to do with a meal planner is to specify a date of the week when you will make a meal out of the leftover items. This means you don’t have to waste the food after it’s sitting in your fridge for too long and prepare a meal on Wednesday night with just leftovers.

Set the Grocery Shopping list after Meal Planning:

The beauty of a meal planner is that when you decide what you will be preparing for food next week, it allows you to see what is already available in the kitchen and what you need to buy. Not only that you can make the grocery shopping list as a pro but if you think grocery shopping is taking more money than you expected, tweaking the meal planner a little is all you need for shopping what is necessary.