Check out these free Confirmation Letters to help you write your Appointment Letters professionally. These sample letters gave you insights as to how to write such a professional letter accurately.
Audit Confirmation Letter
The audit is a process where a third party is hired to inspect a company or organization’s functions, operations, productivity, accounts, and financial statements. An Audit Confirmation Letter is a formal notification that is sent to all the involved parties in the process. With this Letter, the client can prepare their management for the audit whereas, on the other hand, it gives specific details about the audit to the auditors i.e. required quality of audit, the threshold of quality, etc.
Brief Description of Audit Confirmation Letter:
The audit is a very important and key part of any organization and it isn’t only mean Financial Audit but can be of any kind i.e. in a textile company, the customer sends a third party as an external auditor. This team visits the production units, checks the quality of the prepared garments, and verifies if the garments are made with the specifications signed by the Company in the Initial Agreement. On the other hand, a financial audit is a little complicated compared to other types of audits. In this audit, the external auditors check the Accounts Receivable and Account Payable of a company to make sure there is no mistake or error in the Financial Statements. Multinational Companies that have dozens of offices around the world hire External Auditors because it’s not possible for the owner or partners to physically visit every branch and they can’t rely on the management completely. To make sure that everything is running smoothly, they send auditors to their offices and branches.
Before any Audit, a Notification is sent both to the Management of the Company and the Auditing Team. On one hand, this gives a guideline to the management about what the auditors will check during their visit and what kind of documents they will require. This way the management has enough time to prepare for the audit. On the other hand, this Notification or Audit Confirmation Letter is also sent to the auditors where it confirms the date, time, place, and duration of the Audit. This letter also includes the specification of the audit along with the details that will be provided to the Auditors during their visit.
Sample Audit Confirmation Letter
Confirmation Letter for Employee
When you apply for a job in an organization, you must go through a specific process before starting your work as a Permanent Employee. This includes several stages and the final Letter of Confirmation from the administration or management of the organization States that you are hired as an employee. This letter is known as the Confirmation Letter for Employees or an Appointment Letter in general. Usually, this letter includes the date from which your employment begins in the company along with your salary package, incentives, the person to whom you will answer, the job description, and job responsibilities.
Brief Description of Confirmation Letter for Employee:
Every organization around the world has its process of hiring new staff members. It depends on particular situations if the company wants to hire employees temporarily, Permanent Basis, or on a Contract i.e. for a short period. These rules are defined by the HR department in the company. The Confirmation of Employment is the full and final stage of this process. The employee is given a written and signed confirmation that he or she is employed at the company in the position described in the letter. After receiving the Letter of Confirmation, the employee can state that he or she has started working in the company.
The Content of the Confirmation Letter depends on each particular situation. For example, if the employee applies for a job and he has the experience, the company may indicate the fact that he is hired as a permanent employee on the other hand, if the company has the policy to hire new employees on probation or temporary basis, the letter may indicate towards this fact that the company has hired him but he is still on probation and depending on his performance, a Permanent Employment Letter will be issued by the HR department later. Besides the obvious elements i.e. salary, duties, and joining date, Confirmation Letters also include the Terms and Conditions or Policies on which the Employer agreed to hire new staff members.