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DuPont Schedule Templates

Here are Free DuPont Schedule Templates using MS Word and MS Excel to assist you in creating and executing your own DuPont Schedule successfully. You can also check out our collection of Monthly Schedule Templates as well.

In any given company or organization, employees work for certain hours and days of the week. Most commonly, management employees work from 9 am to 5 pm while manual workers start their work from 7 am and work till 7 pm in a twelve-hour shift. This all seems to be working fine until there is an organization that works 24 hours and 7 days a week. You can’t ask the employees to work more than 12 hours each day and come to the office 7 days a week. To accommodate this situation, there are shift planners that allow the supervisors to divide available manpower into groups and continue work in different shifts. For making shift plans, there are several different schedule formats but the DuPont schedule is the most famous planner.

Importance of DuPont Schedule:

A DuPont schedule is a planner that allows each employee or worker to work the same hours as others. Usually, with this schedule, each employee has to work for up to 45 hours every week but it varies from 36 to 52 hours each week. This schedule was created by the DuPont Company almost 70 years ago and due to its characteristics and features, it’s still the most popular schedule tool these days. This schedule works for 30 days of planning and after 1 month, the shift changes. This means after 30 days the night shift employees will work in day shift and day shift employees will come to work at night for the night shift.

A typical DuPont schedule works in the following manner;

  • Available employees are divided into equal groups if the workload doesn’t change throughout the week and month but if there is an extra load of work around weekends or weekdays, more employees are assigned for this duration.
  • In the first week, the first group is asked to work at night for 4 nights and then they have 3 days’ rest.
  • In the second week, employees are asked to work for 3 days in the morning shift, and then there is 1 day of rest. After that, the same crew members are asked to work for 3 nights at night shifts.
  • In the 3rd week, employees will take a rest of 3 days and then they will work for 4 days until the end of the week.

Free DuPont Schedule Templates – MS Excel

Here are previews and download links for these Free DuPont Schedule Templates in MS Excel Format,

DuPont Schedule Template 01

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DuPont Schedule Template 02

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DuPont Schedule Template 03

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Guidelines to prepare a DuPont Schedule:

  1. Understand your needs and requirements:
    Before you create a shift schedule for your workplace, it’s important to understand your needs and requirements. First of all, the most important question is what business you run because the shift schedule for a restaurant is completely different from the schedule for a production unit. This portion of the planning should also contain the number of employees that you have so you can easily divide them into groups or teams. An important element at this stage of planning is to evaluate and confirm how much work an employee can deliver and how much work you expect out of him.
  2. Evaluate current problems and issues:
    Before going to a proper shift schedule plan, what you need to do is to evaluate the current situation you have. This way you can easily see the problems and issues occurring at the workplace. From not having enough employees in a shift to adjusting newly hired workers in existing teams to finding the right responsibilities for each group of employees, there should be many problems that you face every day and a proper shift schedule should be able to solve all of these problems but first, you need to understand and enlist the problems and then try to find the solutions in the schedule planner.
  3. Analyze current and future activities:
    One common problem that supervisors and managers face these days is that they prepare a shift schedule for their employees and it seems to be working but somehow it all goes to waste after a few weeks or months. This happens because supervisors only evaluate the current needs and workload but never think of the change that might happen in the future. For preparing a successful employee work schedule, you need to evaluate the current load of work your employees face and how it’s going to change shortly. Whether you will have more work after 1 month or there are no further orders after 2 months is one of the many questions you need to answer.
  4. Create the schedule:
    Once all of the above questions are answered and you understand almost all the important aspects and elements of schedule planning, it’s time to create the schedule. DuPont schedule is preferred by most supervisors and managers because it’s a convenient tool to be used. Because this schedule is in spreadsheet format, it’s very easy to edit, change, make adjustments, and implement the changes within a few seconds.
  5. Share it with top management and employees:
    The best thing about it is that it is in digital form so as soon as the schedule is ready, you can email it to all the employees or upload it to the cloud for all employees to see. Some people might ask the question that if the sheet is on the cloud, will anybody be able to edit it or change it and the answer is that you can lock the sheet for any further changes. This means only you will be able to make changes and edit the details within the sheet and other people will only have read-only rights.